Dashboard displays historic contract data, refreshing daily. Showing data up to: July 24, 2022
Contract calls past 2 weeks
Jul 11, 2022 - Jul 24, 2022
Total nr of contract calls
Feb 24, 2022 - Jul 24, 2022
Transactions sent by Contract
Feb 24, 2022 - Jul 24, 2022
Contract calls per entrypoint
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Tezos smart contracts are programs that can run on the Tezos blockchain.
Developers can implement any amount of entrypoints which can be called through adding a transaction to the chain.
The above chart shows the amount of transactions per day that successfully called an entrypoint of the smart contract.
Contract users (wallets & other contracts)
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Contracts can be called by any type of account on the Tezos blockchain. There are currently two main types of accounts: 'wallet' accounts and 'contract' accounts.
When a wallet account calls a smart contract, this usually comes from an interaction with a dApp interface which is then approved by the user in their Wallet app.
In the case of a smart contract calling another smart contract, this usually comes from the smart contract code executing some sort of function.
The above chart shows the number of wallets calling the contract per day
and the number of contracts calling the contract per day.
Contract-generated transactions (Grouped by target, top 100 accounts)
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When smart contract entrypoints are called, the smart contract code can generate new transactions targetting other wallets or smart contract entrypoints.
The above chart displays these historic transactions for the top 100 accounts/entrypoints being targeted.
Top 10 accounts (& entrypoints) from total of 2 targetted in transactions by: TezDozen BG-WorkShop
The above visual shows three elements combined. The first table contains the top accounts (both wallets and other contracts) that generate transactions targetting this contract.
The central pie chart displays the distribution of entrypoints being called by those accounts.
Calling an entrypoint triggers the smart contract code to run. This might trigger new transactions coming from that smart contract code. These transactions can have other targets again.
A common pattern is for example an NFT marketplace contract which is being called by various wallets and generates transactions that are then targetting the NFT contract.
Block share data not calculated yet for contract.
Contract XTZ statistics
Contract has xtz in and xtz out. Nothing to display.